Saturday, August 8, 2009

Breastfeeding Help - Decrease in Bowel movements


I'm a first time mommy. My 7 week old has been having very regular bowl movements and peeing regular everyday up until yesterday... He was having about 4-5 bowl movements and about 8 wet diapers...yesterday he did not have a bowl movement at all but he is still having the same amount of wet diapers..he is breastfeed along with bottle feed with expressed breastmilk and one bottle of formula a day at night before bed. Is this normal for a baby at 7 weeks to start not to have a bowl movement everyday? any suggestions? any other mothers babies went through this?


That is totally fine. As long as you don't see him straining or anything, breastfed babies can go up to a week without a BM. I mean, if he is happy and urinating ok, then he is fine. Call his doc and ask to make sure, but I know my breastfed baby girl will go a couple of days without a BM and her doc said that was normal. She also gets formula sometimes.

Its normal. Breast milk gets absorbed better than formula and sometimes so well that there's nothing to left to get rid of lol. My son once went 4 days without a BM and hooo boy!! Was it ever a mess when he finally did go lol. Took 4 baths to finally clean him off lmao.

My daughter was breastfed in the beginning and she had a few days that she didn't have a bowel movement....but SHE MADE UP FOR IT when it finally came! It's completely normal. My pediatrician said that she could have gone up to a week without one...however, I would NOT have let it go that long...

But it's normal for your baby not to have a bowel movement for a few days. Don't worry!

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